If you'd bleed for Heaven Shall Burn you will definitely burn and bleed for Caliban, possibly the best metal core band to date.
Originally hailing from the Ruhr Area, Germany, metal force Caliban first came together in 1997 and became one of the few
German bands who managed to be heard and be internationally known. Andreas Droner has one of the best voices in this
metal industry, one that doesn't make u cringe every time u hear it while Denis Schmidt sings the melodic parts which is tremendous.
Standing tall on the other end of the stage is Mark Goertz, he is distinctively tall and his guitar skills is just fucking epic. So are drummer
Patrick Gruen ( he hopped off the stage while playing in Singapore because he couldn't take the heat ) and bassist Marco Schaller.
One of my favourite albums is Vent. It's the most melodic compared to the rest in my opinion and the song Sycamore Dreams is just
worth listening over and over again. Check them out. Singapore needs to open up more to bands like them. Big ups Caliban for being
such a sport having to perform in front of approx 15 people in Singapore but still gave their utmost best. Bet even if they only had a
fan in Singapore they'd still play. That's how awesome they are.
They are God in black threads. They are devils in suits. They are angels who fell from the stairways of heaven. I fucking love Caliban. I'll bleed for you.